5 Things You Should and Shouldn’t Do When Writing a Blog
Winning readers’ heart is
the main goal of every blogger. You surely want to create a successful blog,
don’t you? To achieve this goal, there are some ways you should do and you
shouldn’t do. All customizations and layouts are not enough to catch the
attention of the readers. Get inspiration from these following points below and
implement them in your own blog. Check them out.
5 Things You Should Do
1. Finding
Your Focus
you start everything, find your focus and ask yourself some of these questions:
Who are your target readers? What is your expertise? Once you find your focus,
pick an interesting category, start writing and be expert on it.
2. Being
writing a good blog post, follow your passion, do not write topic that you
don’t like. If you are not expert in particular topics, you are going to get
bored easily and so will your blog’s followers.
3. Using
can either put links to other blogs/websites or link to your previous posts on
your own site. This way will help you to increase your blog’s rankings in the
search engines.
4. Responding
to Comments
is an opportunity to communicate directly with people who read your blog post.
Be selective, because not all comments need to be responded, but to ones that
do, write responsive and friendly response. If you don’t know what to say, it
is worth to write “thanks for visiting my blog”.
5. Posting
to Other Social Media
is good to include your social media in your post to tout it everywhere. Every
way that increases possibilities for potential readers in finding your blog is
a must to do.
5 Things You Shouldn’t Do
1. Setting
Unrealistic Goals
know your abilities and schedule better than anyone else. So, be realistic,
don’t force yourself if you can’t publish post every day. Start out with weekly
post and get in a groove. As you get used with the schedule, increase your
posting rate.
2. Limiting
Your Word Count
everything you want to say as long as it’s worth to be written. Readers and
search engines prefer to have meatier piece with 500 words or more. It doesn’t
mean that you can feature shorter pieces, but you need to break down the
antiquated perceptions that blogs should be short. Whenever it is necessary, go
3. Making
Grammar Mistakes
time to read your writing again and again. Readers are more lenient about
typos, so don’t stress about it. Therefore, when you find grammar mistakes,
don’t wait to correct them immediately. If you want you readers take your writing
seriously, avoid making grammar mistakes and typos.
4. Being
it is unwise to share personal grievances publicly (unless it is the theme of
your blog). You should be positive, supportive, and inspirational to the
followers and community you are writing to.
5. Avoiding
New Things
is necessary to let your blog evolve through the time. It may happen when you
learn new and updated things then write it in your post. You can try to add
personal stories or info graphs. Never be afraid to write something new to make
your blog more special.
After you read the following
points above, be better in what you should and what you shouldn’t do in writing
a blog post. Happy blogging.
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